Frozen Landscapes At Our Feet
I found that the limitations placed on my ability to travel during the various COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in the UK freed me from the choice of where to photograph: I had to stay local. I then limited myself in how I would make my images by selecting a single focal length macro lens. This also made me think about my previous career as a scientist and the necessity to become concerned with detail and how to apply that to my landscape photography.
I used the frozen puddles at my feet in the farm-tracks and poorly maintained B-roads near my home to fill in for the much photographed landscapes in other parts of the countries. Instead of trying to find a new way to photograph what everyone else did, I looked for something that no-one else was.
These frozen puddles resemble frozen, alien landscapes and structures that, in monochrome, have a beauty that far transcends that of the muddy puddles in their liquid state. These images also reflect that, had I not been required to be ‘frozen in place’ in my local area, I would not have sought out so much inspiration and subject matter locally.